Living…from the Inside-Out
In 2015 we started our CLEARNESS® adventure, a profound transformational program (residential, non-residential, and online) that has already been visited by over 800+ participants arriving from Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Germany. The essence of this unique approach is based on traditional SCIENCE, PSYCHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, and on ancient EASTERN TRADITIONS such as BUDDHISM, TAOISM, SUFISM, and HINDUISM. It is also based on the great sages’ profound teachings such as Shri Atmananda, Ramana Maharshi, and Nisargadatta Maharaj.
CLEARNESS® drives the path that finds your way out of the trap of suffering back into your innate well-being, resilience, and wisdom. Throughout this profound journey, you will recognize, unveil and understand the guiding principles behind your life experience and true nature. Out from that understanding derives everything else: decisions, actions and relations.
These guiding principles are the very North Star that will unleash your life from the inside-out.
“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
T.S Elliot
The Challenge
At some point, or at many points in our lives, we’re bound to go through a struggle of some sort. Losing a job, financial problems, a bad breakup, or a bad week where just about everything goes wrong. Whatever the case, the subsequent stress definitely takes a toll on you and can cost you more than you bargained for if you don’t keep your head in the right place. There are many signposts:
Lacking energy , feeling tired or exhausted all the time.
Experiencing 'brain fog', find it hard to think clearly or finding it hard to concentrate.
Finding it hard to cope with everyday things and tasks or experiencing 'burn out’.
Not wanting to talk to or be with people or not wanting to do things you usually enjoy.
The Outcome
You will, absolutely, break mental barriers and limiting beliefs increasing your security, responsiveness and self-confidence.
You will find within yourself new resources for energy, connection and innate wisdom.
You will uncover the secrets of your innate resilience unleashing your profound wellbeing and freedom.
You will increase your presence state. hear what is being said more deeply. and be more alert and connected with others.
Getting There
CLEARNESS® is a 48 hours well-structured educational journey that facilitates a precise understanding of the human experience. We will guide you through four specific stages:
Objective-scientific stage©
Understanding human evolution and the biological purpose and functioning of the brain.
Subjective-psychological stage©
Understanding our psychological functioning and our deep-rooted human conditioning.
Constructed-existential stage©
Understanding the mechanics of the mind and the inside-out nature of human experience.
Illusory-essential stage©
Understanding our true nature and the core foundation of our beingness.
Each milestone is a holon that essentially describes a different point-of-view of your life experience. Each consecutive stage integrates and transcends the comprehension of the previous one. With each step, you will get a closer and deeper understanding of your INNER SELF.
A Typical CLEARNESS® Immersion Experience
CLEARNESS® Immersion Retreat
- Individual Session
(Virtual 20 mins) with each participant to get familiar with the approach and the process of the upcoming retreat, and to mutually agree the program fit. - Initial Questionnaire
to participants before starting, to self-assess the areas of impact.
5-20 participants
per session
2,5 days retreat
+ optional Follow-up
DAY 1 | |
16:30 | Arrivals |
18:30 | Objectives: personal & professional |
Clarity and the snag | |
Design & function of the brain | |
21:30 | Dinner |
22:00 | Accomodation |
DAY 2 | |
8:00 | Expressive movement |
9:30 | Design & function of the mind |
Design & function of our human experience | |
13:30 | Lunch |
14:30 | The real cause of stress & lack of power |
Access your innate well-being and resilience | |
20:00 | Dinner |
21:00 | Open fire Insights |
DAY 3 | |
8:00 | Walking in nature |
09:30 | The 3 underlying principles of CLEARNESS® |
11:30 | Identify Objectives, Facts & Challenges |
14:30 | Lunch |
15:30 | Departures |
Follow-up: Open line with subtractive coaching®
Authenticity awaits you on a family farm where you can disconnect from the rush of your daily life and reconnect with your innate well-being, innate capacity for self-leadership, and resilience. A transformative experience in an inspiring setting: enjoying a charming rural environment, healthy and tasty food, within the best circle of friends.
Trekking in the mountains, early morning “expressive movement” activities, and sharing insights will be part of the experience. The after-dinner reflection sessions are in an authentic Indian tipi, where we gather around an open fire and share insights.
"Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything. Between the two, my life flows."
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
They say about us
Fátima A.
Gestión del cambio… ?? Los cursos y retiros del Helmar van más allá son TRANSFORMACIÓN. Mirar el mundo, las personas, las empresas desde otro plano desde nuestro interior al exterior . Si miramos desde otro plano surgirán nuevos caminos y soluciones de gran sencillez que no imaginábamos. Deja atrás todos los pensamientos que te bloquean y te impiden ver y Avanza ….. La genial diversidad de los grupos , la generosidad, experiencia y sabiduría de Helmar nos impulsa a la acción , a ser grandes y ser conscientes que los límites son irreales …. .Sencillamente sorprendente, disruptivo y motivador.
Susana M.
¡Brutal! Helmar es capaz de conducirte de una manera suave, casi imperceptible, hacia puntos de conocimiento y de conciencia que resultan sorprendentes. Recomiendo totalmente realizar este taller a cualquier persona. Solo hay que escuchar y dejar que calen sus palabras. Mi intención es volver. Gracias Helma
Antonio M.
¿Es posible alcanzar la claridad mental en estos tiempos de gran confusión?. A menudo creemos que los factores externos que nos rodean suponen un obstáculo o limitación insalvable en nuestro desarrollo pero lo cierto es que nuestra experiencia en este mundo fluye de dentro hacia afuera y no al revés. En sus seminarios Helmar sabre crear la atmósfera adecuada para que esta realidad tan sencilla como transformadora sea interiorizada y arraigue de manera fructífera en nuestras vidas.Entre los asistentes se crea una comunidad mágica de personas con una firme voluntad de transformar y transformarse. Lo importante siempre ha sido sencillo y Helmar sabe hacérnoslo entender con una clarividencia contagiosa.
Katia M.
Participé en el taller de Helmar “MENTE CLARA” y le estoy realmente agradecida por su sabiduría, su humanidad, su claridad, su luz, … Es el compañero de viaje hacia el despertar del SER. Cuando lo comprendes, ya no eres esclavo de tus pensamientos, ya no vives una vida imaginaria, de repente lo ves todo claro, ves quién eres, quiénes somos, reconoces la esencia, te alimentas de la fuerza del saber y empiezas a vivir desde la luz y es paz, bondad, libertad, alegría…desde aquí, todo cambia! Soy consiente de que todo esto son sólo palabras, ES CIERTO! No son las palabras que llevan a la Claridad, a la Luz, sencillamente somos Claridad, somos Luz. Cuando lo comprendes, tú cambias, el mundo cambia y TODO ES POSIBLE! Os animo a vivir el taller “Mente Clara”, es un gran regalo que deja huella.
Roberto C.
Conocí a Helmar en el taller de Clearness que organiza, cuya experiencia me ha sido transformadora e inspiradora. Es increíble los cambios positivos que Helmar es capaz de generar en las personas en sólo 3 días de retiro. La manera que tiene de transmitir su conocimiento conecta directamente al corazón de las personas. Mi admiración total tanto por su persona como por la labor que realiza