Leading…from the Inside-Out
We are at the beginning of a Fourth Industrial Revolution. Developments in genetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing and biotechnology, to name just a few, are all building on and amplifying one another. This will lay the foundation for a revolution more comprehensive and all-encompassing than anything we have ever seen.
Because of the speed of change that is occurring to all of us on the planet, at the same time, within this relentless dynamic environment, Leaders and their organizations must find out on how to jump into the accelerating Jetstream and thrive:
- Half of today’s S&P 500 firms will be replaced over the next 10 years.
- Up to 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world could be replaced by robots by 2030.
- More than 1 billion jobs, almost one-third of all jobs worldwide, are likely to be transformed by technology in the next decade.
- Automation will create jobs but puts some occupations at risk, especially those involving routine or a low skill level.
- By the time they graduate college, 65% of high school students will work in jobs that haven’t been invented yet.
“If you think the pace of change is very fast right now, realize one thing. Today you are experiencing the slowest pace of change you will experience for the rest of your life”
Rod Nail
TODAY’S Business = VUCA Business
More than ever, the world is dramatically changing, making it difficult to predict outcomes and make smart business decisions. People, technology, the environment, and the planet are changing so quickly that leaders realize that they can not carry on as they did before, but one thing is clear: a complacency is no longer an option. To keep our businesses viable, profitable and ultimately successful in the 21st century, it’s essential to find new answers and act accordingly.
To find new bold answers and refreshing perspectives, leaders need to disrupt their current thinking: they have to fundamentally change how they see the world, others, and themselves. They must shift their state-of-mind.
The Solution
According to the third edition of the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report, which maps the jobs and skills of the future, these are the top 10 skills the market needs to adopt to thrive in VUCA:
- Analytical Thinking and innovation
- Active learning and learning strategies
- Complex problem solving
- Technology use, monitoring and control
- Technology design and programming
- Critical thinking and analysis
- Creativity. originality and initiative
- Leadership and social Influence
- Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility
- Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation
The primary variable and the deep root for sustainable BUSINESS SUCCESS is PEOPLE, and the main variable within PEOPLE is their STATE-OF-MIND.
The only way to deal with increasing complexity is to raise the required level of consciousness of leaders and teams to meet VUCA`s predicaments. Our programs help your organization level and tune the state-of-mind of individuals and teams to the environment’s relentless and accelerating degree of complexity.
INNATE LEADERSHIP delivers precisely designed journeys to help you shift your “organizational state-of-mind” to jump straight into that ever-changing stream of VUCA and lead the game.
Our Programs
These are our specific Innate Leadership programs on how to shift your “organizational state-of-mind.”
Our experience for top management and executives. - SMART TEAM EXPERIENCE
Our experience for leaders, middle management and high performing teams. - DEEP INNOVATION EXPERIENCE
Our experience nurturing highly effective and smart co-innovation spaces.
Our tailored virtual Innate Leadership experience for management and teams. - BUSINESS BASICS
Our business communication and innovation programs. - INNATE SPARKS
Our inspirational Innate Leadership 2-3 hours online nuggets.
"If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the inside, the end is near."
Jack Welch
They say about us
Fátima A.
Gestión del cambio… ?? Los cursos y retiros del Helmar van más allá son TRANSFORMACIÓN. Mirar el mundo, las personas, las empresas desde otro plano desde nuestro interior al exterior . Si miramos desde otro plano surgirán nuevos caminos y soluciones de gran sencillez que no imaginábamos. Deja atrás todos los pensamientos que te bloquean y te impiden ver y Avanza ….. La genial diversidad de los grupos , la generosidad, experiencia y sabiduría de Helmar nos impulsa a la acción , a ser grandes y ser conscientes que los límites son irreales …. .Sencillamente sorprendente, disruptivo y motivador.
Susana M.
¡Brutal! Helmar es capaz de conducirte de una manera suave, casi imperceptible, hacia puntos de conocimiento y de conciencia que resultan sorprendentes. Recomiendo totalmente realizar este taller a cualquier persona. Solo hay que escuchar y dejar que calen sus palabras. Mi intención es volver. Gracias Helma
Antonio M.
¿Es posible alcanzar la claridad mental en estos tiempos de gran confusión?. A menudo creemos que los factores externos que nos rodean suponen un obstáculo o limitación insalvable en nuestro desarrollo pero lo cierto es que nuestra experiencia en este mundo fluye de dentro hacia afuera y no al revés. En sus seminarios Helmar sabre crear la atmósfera adecuada para que esta realidad tan sencilla como transformadora sea interiorizada y arraigue de manera fructífera en nuestras vidas.Entre los asistentes se crea una comunidad mágica de personas con una firme voluntad de transformar y transformarse. Lo importante siempre ha sido sencillo y Helmar sabe hacérnoslo entender con una clarividencia contagiosa.
Juan Luis B.
Helmar es fantástico!! Carismático, cercano, inspirador, empático, con profundos conocimientos que pone a tu servicio. Conocí a Helmar en su taller Clearness = Claridad . Nunca una denominación tuvo tanto setido. Durante 3 días Helmar te va guiando, acompañando, por un funcionamiento común a todos nosotros, de forma progresiva, hasta que te lleva a un espacio en tu interior sin interferencias, conectado con tu esencia, desde donde TODO es posible. En ese espacio decidirás mejor, libre de ruido, cualquier asunto relativo a tu vida personal o profesional. Y todo ello lo aprendes desde la experiencia, no desde la teoría. Es un cambio de paradigma, una nueva forma de enfocar, es… Claridad. Es transformador. Taller Clearness de Helmar es altamente recomendable para cualquier persona, desde el más alto directivo hasta la persona más humilde, no importa su condición. Al finalizar pensé, pero porqué no me han contado esto antes!!!
Juan Miguel P.
Conocí a Helmar en su seminario de oratoria aplicada a los negocios. Supuso un salto significativo para mí y desde entonces he ganado un maestro, un amigo y un socio. En constante investigacion y aprendizaje es dificil encontrar a profesionales que sean capaces de movilizar, con conocimiento y fundamento, de darnos claridad en entender qué mueve a las organizaciones. Su seminario “clearnes” debería a ser obligatorio para todos los equipos que busquen reducir las “interferencias” que bloquean la ejecucion.